How to do a signature in RCR?

At the time of payment when cashier wants to do signature then rapid RMS gives a facility to do sign.

For that, you need to set a signature setting. Signature is applicable only on those transactions which are done by card payment.

  1. Go to the setting module.
  2. Open tender configuration.
  3. Go to credit/debit card tender setting.
  4. Keep signature option ON.
  5. Now select the RCR signature capture option.
  6. If you select RCD option then this signature setting configured with a rapid customer display.

  7. Now go to the cash register module.
  8. Ring up an item and complete transaction with credit/debit card.
  9. Signature screen will open.

  10. In white screen do signature and apply the done button.
  11. If you want to clear sign and want to do again then use clear button.